Science or Science-Fiction – The Future of Food

We can safely say that a lot of the things in our lives have changed for the better thanks to technology. Not only has it been used to create the internet but it has also been used to make improvements in our day-to-day lives. It has even been used in the food industry – and although it may sound silly to some – it has made a world of a difference. Food processing now is a whole world beyond what it used to be. We are not talking just about pesticides and cross-pollination. There is constant progress in the field of food growing, harvesting, and preparation, all for the sake of making the most of what we have available. Here are some of the amazing pieces of technology and visionary ideas that would have been considered science-fiction not too long ago, as well as some that are almost unreal now. 

Smartphones and Drones

They were not developed for using the potential of the land to the fullest, or to track weather. However, thanks to countless apps and social media networks, farmers around the world, including the developing countries, can connect to each other, and easily find information online regarding the best way to plant and care for their crops, as well as follow the latest news and market prices. The isolation is now minimal.

It doesn’t hurt to mentions drones in this area, as they are great for monitoring fields from great heights, as well as short distance load carriers. This really helps the cooperation between farmers and delivery to inaccessible places. Drones could be used for seeding as well.

Vertical Farms

It may sound strange, but, in places where there is not much width or breadth, how about expanding your farm using height? There are skyscrapers, warehouses, and other incredibly tall buildings perfect for growing these farms. So, vertical farming saves space. This doesn’t seem very future-like, does it?

Well, there are other, much more important benefits to having a vertical farm. What you need to consider is the fact that all of the farming is done indoors, and away from the elements. The farmers and companies have total control of the temperature, humidity, light, soil nutrients and pests. All of this delivers impressive yield, minimal waste, and no unforeseen circumstances.

Cultured Meat

This is a possible solution to feeding the folks of the world with protein without killing animals. Not only that, but it is also cost-efficient. Though not yet commercially available due to many factors, including the issue of ethics and religion, cultured meat is a meat grown in a lab, using techniques that regenerate the tissue. This is straight from an SF novel, and I can’t wait to see whether it will catch on.


I know it sounds gross, I do. However, there is a lot of untapped potential for solving the issue of hunger. Protein powders made from insects already exist in a few Asian countries. Considering the sheer number of various creepy-crawlies on the planet, it is safe to say that, should this become mainstream, there will certainly be less hungry nations in the near future.

What Does This All Mean?

The world is changing rapidly. There are now ways to minimize the loss caused by human error, natural disasters, and pests that are getting stronger and craftier. Not only that, there is a chance of solving the issue of hunger and distribution of food around the globe.

While there is constant fear that climate change and conflicts between nations and social groups might put our future in danger, it is reassuring to see that there are people, groups and industries that are working hard at optimizing food production and building a better future.